Cleaning the Exhaust (TS)

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Cleaning the Exhaust (TS)

Postby Kruh » Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:00 pm

I decided to clean the silencer (and whole exhaust). Partly for curiosity reasons, partly for possible performance improvements. My pipe is in a pretty rough shape, so I did't care about messing it up. Although, the cuts only need to happen by the weld. So if your chrome is good, it can be done without ruining the looks. Since the exhaust clamp would mostly cover up the welds (and paint).
I only managed to find two websites where they show the insides of the ETZ exhaust, none for the TS. Luckily, it turns out that the proccess is pretty much the same.

It needs to be cut on either side of the weld, and the insert/silencer assembly pulls right out.



Once the silencer assembly is out, the 6 spotwelds need to be drilled and it needs to be cut accross.


This then exposes all of the tubes.


Image Image


Now that everything is out, it can all be set on fire. After that all of the oil and carbon buildup easily comes off with a wire brush and a cable on the drill (for the pipes).
The results are great. The insides of all those small pipes is all clean.

Image Image

Everything goes back together as it came out. Using the drilled spots helped to line it all up.


I'll post the finished results, when I get around welding it completely...
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Re: Cleaning the Exhaust (TS)

Postby Puffs » Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:05 am

Now that's a job for gloves...

Thanks for sharing this!
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Re: Cleaning the Exhaust (TS)

Postby Kruh » Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:59 am

Its welded and mounted.
As you can see the clamp covers up the welds.



There is an improvement. There is no visible smoke on the highway anymore.
So, this was worth doing...
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Re: Cleaning the Exhaust (TS)

Postby Guesi » Thu Mar 19, 2020 12:40 am

I never felt the need to clean the exhaust. Driving in high revs for some kilometers does the same.

In the past with low quality 2 stroke oil it might have been necessary (that is why the exhausts up to ES 250/2 were dismantable).
But with modern oil and 1:50 or less oil there is no need to do it except for curiosity :-)
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Re: Cleaning the Exhaust (TS)

Postby Kruh » Thu Mar 19, 2020 2:04 am

True, if the bike was only used with modern oils.
But of course, it wasn't. It is over 30 years old...
And as you can see from the pictures, cleaning it was a good call.
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Re: Cleaning the Exhaust (TS)

Postby Puffs » Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:51 am

Last edited by Puffs on Mon Jan 06, 2025 8:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cleaning the Exhaust (TS)

Postby Kruh » Thu Mar 19, 2020 12:46 pm

I actually did a fair bit of high speed riding today. I haven't tested the top speed, but it does rev more easily at high speeds (higher load). It definetly improved the performance up top.

I sanded off most of the peeling chrome and rust spots. So it turned out smooth enough. Most of the dents are underneath. So I didn't bother. Besides, I am planning on getting a new exhaust at some point.
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