ETZ 125 Carb Replacements

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ETZ 125 Carb Replacements

Postby DjangoL » Mon Jun 15, 2020 7:10 pm


I have an '89 ETZ 125 and have been thinking of replacing the carb. I'm not sure what I can replace the standard BVF with but I have been thinking maybe a Mikuni if it is viable. If anyone has done a similar job it would be great to hear about it. Otherwise, as a fairly novice rider and mechanic, any tips, tricks and advice are more than welcome :)
I have also noticed a leak coming from the gearbox where the kickstart shaft emerges from the crankcase. If its a common problem it would be great to hear solutions.
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Re: ETZ 125 Carb Replacements

Postby Kruh » Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:33 am

You should search thru the forum, there's many threads about carbs.
There is a mikuni one as well.
Another option is a keihin pwk, more specifically replicas. Those can be had for very cheap. Links for those down below.



Just noticed you got a 125 and those threads are about the 250s. But the idea is still the same. PWKs can be bought from 19 to 38 mm.
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Re: ETZ 125 Carb Replacements

Postby Puffs » Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:51 am

Hi Django,
as Kruh said.

Only thing to add is that IF you have an oil pump, and IF are considering to go change in carb size, the travel of the cable on the oil pump is linked with the travel of the cable to the carb. So with an oil pump, you won't be able to give full throttle on a bigger carb (at least not without some gizmo), and with a smaller carb the lubrication may be impacted.

Oil leak: probably the 'O'-ring. See page 65 of the Haynes manual (Blurredman's website), or another manual.
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Re: ETZ 125 Carb Replacements

Postby DjangoL » Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:41 am

Puffs wrote:Hi Django,
as Kruh said.

Only thing to add is that IF you have an oil pump, and IF are considering to go change in carb size, the travel of the cable on the oil pump is linked with the travel of the cable to the carb. So with an oil pump, you won't be able to give full throttle on a bigger carb (at least not without some gizmo), and with a smaller carb the lubrication may be impacted.

Oil leak: probably the 'O'-ring. See page 65 of the Haynes manual (Blurredman's website), or another manual.

Hiya Puffs,

Thanks for the reply, very helpful indeed! My ETZ 125 is one of the ones without an oil pump or tachometer and a drum on the front so the oil pump wouldn't be a problem in my case.

Your info regarding an O-ring is greatly appreciated. Had flicked through the manual before but I must have missed p65.

Thanks again,
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