ETZ 250,Electronic voltage regulator

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ETZ 250,Electronic voltage regulator

Postby postie » Tue Aug 11, 2020 10:44 pm

My ETZ 250 250 is running with Boyer Branson 'Points Assist' ignition and i would like to upgrade to an Electronic Regulator.Any ideas ? which is best?. The units mentioned in Hints & Tips are no longer available or exspensive in Auatralia. Many Thanks Postie.
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Re: ETZ 250,Electronic voltage regulator

Postby nice2day » Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:07 am

Hi I bought this one from MZ-B's
I wanted the position to be the same as the original controller so experimented and found this method to be neat, convenient and safe and all the original wiring simply plugs in.
I superglued 4 grommets to the sides to act as buffers. Then wrote the connections on the back. I then fixed it very securely to the frame with nylon cable ties.
Fitting it the other way up gets in the way of the seat whereas fitting it upside down it fits perfectly....
as long as you fit the battery upside down so it charges correctly....No only joking..... :lol: :lol: :lol:




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Re: ETZ 250,Electronic voltage regulator

Postby Puffs » Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:07 am

Ta for sharing your experience with that regulator Les!

Surprised it doesn't fit right side up, the original one being quite tall.
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Re: ETZ 250,Electronic voltage regulator

Postby nice2day » Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:48 am

Thanks Puffs. Yes I thought the same but the problem is that the plastic case is rivetted to the large alloy sheet which is quite wide as you can see. I did try fitting it under the frame tubes as you suggest but it was difficult and awkward to secure. I guess I could saw off the aluminium sheet at the edges but you would still need to make another bracket to fix it in position. I have to say I did this many months back and forgotten why I did what I did. I guess there is always a better way but generally speaking I take a lot of time thinking and usually find it....I will take another look at some time as I am slightly baffled why I chose this way but it worked out pretty good....Les :?
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Re: ETZ 250,Electronic voltage regulator

Postby nice2day » Thu Aug 13, 2020 9:28 am

I've had a look Puffs and removed the cable ties...The reason I did it this way is because the right side tool box bracket at the top gets in the way and there is also nothing to fix to elsewhere. The way I show is really good if you were to see it in real-life...very snug and secure. The old mechanical controller was narrower and was wedged in above the oil filter with a foam surround. This solid state device is more difficult to house because of the width...Before replacing I attached some rubber tape for more protection of the frame but the cable-tie grommets line up with the frame anyway...I have to say this method gets my thumbs up, it is very neat and very secure and needs no modifications or drill holes in the bike frame....Les
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Re: ETZ 250,Electronic voltage regulator

Postby Puffs » Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:58 am

Well, I don't actually know how the original regulator is supposed to be fitted (see viewtopic.php?f=5&t=10098 on what I did; still fine), and you're right, it's taller, yet narrower.

To make a place for that original regulator, the 251 has an upward bump in the seat's back plate, with a thinner layer of foam above it. Not good.
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Re: ETZ 250,Electronic voltage regulator

Postby nice2day » Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:55 am

Hi Puffs...yes I noticed the cavity in the front of the seat pan so I was hoping to fit the new regulator conventionally but I could not be sure of clearance, I know it would be very close. If you study the diagrams and photos you link to, the mechanical reg does not rise that much above the top frame tubes but because of the aluminium plate on the electronic reg the height has to start completely above the tubes as the plate bridges the tubes and will sit entirely on top. Maybe you could get away with it, but I'm happy with the way I fitted my one.
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Re: ETZ 250,Electronic voltage regulator

Postby Blurredman » Fri Aug 14, 2020 7:22 am

The recess in the seat to accomodate the regulator is quite possibly why I feel uncomfortable on my MZ seats.. Not enough foam! :smt005
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Re: ETZ 250,Electronic voltage regulator

Postby dave47 » Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:44 am

Another option is the HC CARGO Regulator 130675, available on the internet.
I've used one on an ETZ250 for 10,000 miles without problems. Its the equivalent of the 3 pin types described in Hints and Tips. I made a simple bracket for it, which was a bit fiddly to attach, but once in, it fits the space neatly.
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