Hello Guesi, thanks for replying. I think you are quite correct. I realise there is no room for a sleeve but somehow the fit has become worn on BOTH the manifold and the carb stub. I have to say though that usually I am very impressed by the East German technology but this method of holding a carb and thinking it would be perfectly air tight is flawed as it relies on a sliding fit and the compression of a thick solid tube of cast aluminium via the 2x slits and 2x bolts. Cast aluminium is very likely to crack if it is made to flex and the 2x slits can let air in around the side of the carb stub.
Anyway I have managed to get the carb to hold by sawing the slits so they extend a touch further towards the engine. The extra length of the slits allows a little more flex to occur and after tightening the bolts to extreme pressure to a point they are just short of snapping I could get the carb to hold fairly tightly. Hopefully the assembly is air tight, but I will test when running.
The reason why there is wear is because the bolts were perhaps not tightened sufficiently from new which allowed engine vibration to wear the fit between carb stub and the inside of the manifold. You have to remember my engine has NEVER been stripped down before and has only done 7000 miles so should not have been unduly worn or damaged. Thanks again Guesi.
PS...I have just though that I could have used a thread locking compound around the carb stub to ensure a gas tight fit...I'll see if it is needed when I complete the rebuild.