Well I started it yesterday. The first time it has run since 1994. Although it started easily I did not have it running well for quite some time as it would not run without the starting jet activated. I think it was because I put in a very oily petrol mix (probably about 15:1) so I could run it as the oil pump needed to fill the delivery tube and I wasn't going to have the mess of trying to fill it manually. I had tried walking the bike around in gear with the plug removed but the delivery rate even at full bore is painfully slow and exhausted me.
I have now diluted the petrol down now and I have managed to get it to tick over reliably but I'm still not completely happy there aren't any tiny air leaks around that loose fitting carb stub.
What was slightly disappointing was hearing that clutch rumble sound, I had completely forgotten that spoiling characteristic. It's not that bad and obviously disappears when the clutch is pulled. Perhaps I could have got the clutch thrust washer a touch tighter if I had been a bit more patient and tried to buy a thicker washer. Having said that, many years ago a friend bought a new ETZ251 and I'm pretty sure his clutch sounded just as loud if not louder than my one as it is now. Before I knew about MZ's, I was convinced there was something very seriously wrong with his engine and his dealer was just fobbing him off when they said it was normal..."they all do that sir" .
Anyway just the seat to renovate and it's all finished...I have to say this complete nuts and bolts restoration has been a longer slog than I anticipated, I'm sure I could have done 2x British bikes for the same effort.