I decided to take the engine out tonight. It only took me about an hour I think to disconnect everything and get the engine on the bench again.. And you know the necessity for removing the head (in order to get it into the frame) of course makes it a little lighter too. I think in general that the engine does seem lighter than an etz250 motor... or maybe I'm getting stronger, despite my ailments ha.
One of the first things I did was to check that crank now that it has blown out a bit of steam, as it were.. and actually it looks pretty nice.. it's clean.. But rotating it, it doesn't feel particularly like there is nice green petroil. It seems a bit watery residue. Which is no surprise.
It took a lot of tapping and patience but I got the clutch cover off. And I am pleasantly surprised. There is some residue of course, but there's no chipped teeth, I can't see any metal shavings, all looks very nice other than the gunk. There is obviously some signs of water ingress, the clutch basket has some rust on it, but it's just superficial. Actually, I don't think the clutch has ever been apart. Infact, there is very little indication that that the engine has ever been apart...
Interestingly, if you were looking at the clutch gap indication, it looks like there is no clutch left... Maybe the assembly is slightly different than the etz's..
This one is for puffs: A clutch cover drain screw-
I rempoved the generator, and then had a go at the electronic rotor (not sure of it's name..).. I got out my handy bolt that I use on the etz250 motors to get that rotor off the taper. Thankfully it's the same thread here too and pretty much the same length. Infact, if the bolt was just 2 mm shorter, the head would have bottomed out on the end of the rotor- thankfully, it had that 2mm of space and a little bit of a twist with the ratchet and pop comes off the rotor- very nicely too. It's abit rusty, I suppose petrol, or maybe vinegar (?) might clean the contacts up. The inside of the generator is also a bit rusty. Hope that hasn't shorted out of anything.
With the rotor removed I could gain access to the plate that covers the main bearing. There's a shim, have to keep that safe, but the bearing isn't rusty- looks nice actually. The bearing on the clutch cover also ran nicely.. It's quite likely I can just wash them. They are all plastic caged, so original and easy to disasemble to individual components to clean out- the main bearinsg have a metal cage though. Will have to see about all this. Also don't worry about the rust in the end of the crank there- that's just crust and cleaned out.
Now it looks like I need to buy things again.. A clutch puller for one.. The 4 speed motors have a different puller than the 5 speed.....
Also.. It must be said... Looks like this bike has static timing as I cannot find at all an advance/retard mechanism....