Some interesting comments following up on voltage and wattage output guys.
But, for me: Back to the bike. This afternoon I took the bike for a ride. I recently rode it yesterday and had no issues other than it did stall after getting back home, but with this in mind, I though i'd need to take the 'new ignition wire' test further.
I took my multimeter with me and varied between lights on and lights off whilst on my ride. And essentially I have two comments:
1) The bike actually charges at a max of 7.3v at peak with the lights on. A big high actually, but it rarely got above 7.1-7.2v and seemed to correct itself fairly quickly so... fine!
2) With the lights on, the bike mis-fires and stalls at idle. With the lights off it seems reluctant to stall- it stays running.
I got home and checked the coil with my hand for heat test and although luke warm (as I suppose they will always be). I don't think the coil is at fault as the bike runs.. A typical coil fault is a very warm/hot coil and a bike that won't start for a few minutes after cooling off. I did change the spark plug whilst out and that didn't fix anything.
So, with coil (likely) fine, and the bike charges happily now, i'm thinking of other ideas why the bike mis-fires when the lights are on... Would a poor consenser/capacitor or points or the main resistor cause this?? I wouldn't think points would do this in themselves, but although resistences checked out okay after putting the bike back together (not to say they may not have failed since) is it possible the stator has degraded? Points aren't particularly burnt or arced/pitted so I don't 'think' there is an issue there.
I've been looking at this website: ... ektrik.htmAnd specifically the section "V.1.2 Voltage drops in the vehicle electrical system" (ctrl+F as there are no pages), ant it does talk about specific voltage drops in various junction places throughout the system which I could also test for. I am using the original fuse type- it could be possible for example that there is too much voltage drop in the simple friction held fuse for one example...