First a bit of background.
I've had the bike rebored as part of the rebuild and measurement showed the next piston size up would be 57mm. This is too large for a 125 and so I think at some point someone has fitted a 150cc barrel to the bike.
So I have a 57mm piston in there now and with the carb the bike came with it ran well. It was reliable and nippy.
However this carb had the idle set with the throttle cable tension and I couldn't get this to work. The bike would always die when idling.
Adding some tension to the cable lifted the revs but them they would keep rising until the whole things was about to go bang

All very odd.
Meanwhile - I read that as a 1979 bike, mine would originally have had a later carb with the throttle stop screw.
A friend had a spare one from his TS150 and so I have fitted that.
I can now set an idle easily and it starts right up.
However, as the bike warms up it starts to misfire, and chug, and will only travel with the throttle wide open, anything below this and it dies.
There is more smoke than there used to be and I thought the bike was running rich and so I have moved the needle down.
That brings me to today.
Another test ride and it is still the same.
After about 2 miles it chugs and dies.
Then I wait by the road side for a bit, perhaps clean the plug. The spark is good.
Then it restarts, but this time only gets about 1/2 a mile before dying.
So I do the same again with the plug, spark is still good, after a while it restarts and I nearly get home. I push it the last 100 yards.
Sorry for the long message but I wanted to explain that the bike ran fine until I changed the carb, so that points to the culprit.
I also think the bike is a 150cc.
So some questions I have are - does it sound like it is running rich?
If yes, what jets should I fit for a 150cc bike?
Or could it be the float level?
I have checked that the float needle works and that the floats don't leak.
I also checked that the enricher fully shuts.
This is the current main jet, but I can't see a 90 or 95 on it.
Grateful as always for your collective wisdom.