Is it possible to remove the carbs without having to remove the subframe on a Baggy/Mastiff?
My bike's been laid up for a while and it stalls if I open the throttle past idle, so I need to investigate further....
Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65
phlat65 wrote:I have not done this on the baggy yet, but on my dirtbike, I remove the lower subframe bolts, loosen the upper bolt, and pivot the whole thing up, including the airbox.
you may have to only remove the seat and side panels, then disconnect the exhaust to do this.
Fil wrote:Thanks for the tips guys!
I managed to get the carbs off by undoing the rubber/metal carb mounts (stubs? - not sure what you call them!) where they bolt to the engine, draining the water & removing the water pipe elbow that attaches to the RHS of the head, then pulling the carbs out from the RHS of the bike. To be honest, I wouldn't try doing that again as two of the the bolts holding the carbs to the head are almost impossible to get at.
Fil wrote:Man, it's not easy trying to get the carbs on and off one these bikes!! I think the biggest problem (apart from lack of space) is that it is very hard to pull the carbs out of the rubber inlet stubs that attach to the head.
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