So after one brief initial ride, and one day riding around town, I sent my seat off to get customized. Finally got a real "first" ride on the bike yesterday as I got the seat back the day before. Covered about 300Km in 5 hours. Many of you have heard of Deal's Gap (Tail of the Dragon, etc..) in Tennessee/North Carolina, well I didn't ride that, I took another road very similar, but with zero traffic. And instead of 11 miles it's about 50. Anyway, I did this road about two and a half times, dissected with 40 or 50 miles of gravel/disintegrated road thrown in. Discovered some new roads that I would never take the sportbikes down.
Not like I have to tell anybody here.. but damn, what a hoot. Slid the back end around a bit, railroad tracks, potholes, water holes, pavement transitions, no pavement, broken pavement, pavement falling down the hill. What? never noticed....hahahahahaha! I think I rode this thing as fast and certainly faster in parts, as I ever did on my Z1000. Metzler Sportec M1 tires are great on this bike. I was beginning to wonder about my decision to get this thing. But between the new seat and the way this thing rips through any road you put it on, no doubts now!
Double extra fun now stuffing the ubiquitous cruisers when you know they see a "dirt bike" going by..