Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Postby simon duval smith » Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:54 am

Hi all
Just thought I would let you know about rear wheel spokes breaking and their various lengths. My 2005 Baghira, 8500 kilometres of town/highway riding/commuting to work etc, always solo (I weigh about 101 kilos), broke two spokes on the drive side of the rear wheel. The spokes broke at the corner where they turn into the hub end. I called Phil at BSA and he sent me a selection by return - great service, highly recommended - and the spokes are as follows:
Drive side, half are about 80 mm long with 84 degree bend at hub end, half are about 80 mm long with 107 degree (more than right angle) bend at hub end.
Brake side are all longer - about 110 mm with all the same bend at the hub end.
BSA Regal only stock plated steel spokes as they have not sold all those and thus have not moved on to stainless spokes (as are fitted front and rear to my 2005 bike).
I simply let the tyre down flat and clamped it over to one side, lifted the rim tape to stop the nipple end from dragging it round and tearing it, and after a bit of bending and swearing, actually a lot of swearing, I got the new ones in and tightened them with a good quality 6 mm spanner. I would advise getting a proper spoke key though as one or two of the stainless existing spokes would not turn with my spanner. The broken spokes did not affect the truth of the rim at all so tightening carefully was all that was required. I imagine stainless spokes are more brittle than plated steel - anyone else had this happen?
2005 Baghira
simon duval smith
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Postby Hoke » Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:43 am

The stock Mz/Yamaha spokes and rims sucks bigtime! :evil:
I am also 100kg+ and i drive offroad -nor the rims or the spokes is made fot this... :x
I got it sorted by chaning some spokes, but now when driving more hardcore all the other brakes to -shitty stuff (or as we say in Sweden "Det suger socka!"). ... 2A&start=0 ... ke%2A#4622
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Wheel blew up and

Postby F0ul_Oli » Tue Sep 12, 2006 1:29 pm

I posted on this before but my spokes broke on me - while I was riding!!

Scared the cack out of me!

The spokes were destroyed, the rim also needed replacing due to the damage it got while I was slowing down - from 15 mph! and I didn't drop it! :)

Anyway, arrange to get the wheel rebuilt, with the same hum and a new rim and spokes. Seems its quite a job to find suitable spokes so I have been without a bike for a few weeks!
I will only run out of ways of modify the Baggy when it weighs less that 100 kg and runs 100 bhp at the back wheel!! - putting the IT in Profit!
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